Since then, it's been a bit confusing. After we were told that a station representative said construction wouldn't be complete until "Spring 2007", others said they'd heard that the station would be up by the fall premiere of WBNX's new network, The CW.
Despite numerous attempts to get an answer out of WBNX, we haven't heard any clarification or received any response. Well, there's a little more to the story...we think.
WBNX's "Trends" web page has changed slightly. Though the text about the station's earlier inability to get FCC approval of its digital construction permit has not changed - even though that permit has actually been obtained - they have changed the date they have in mind.
It's over in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section in blue-green print:
Q: What is the projected
start date for wbnx-tv?
A: Endeavoring for Sep 2006

In case you're a fan of TV history, even recent TV history, you might want to tune into WBNX on the previous night, Sunday the 17th. The outgoing WB network plans a look back at its 10 years on the air...and has even obtained rights to early WB shows that are now airing elsewhere...
You can take "Endeavoring" in a few ways. One WBNX is trying their hardest to make the deadline or you can take it as no we will not make it on time but as long as we try that is the best we can do so take it or leave it. Even if they meet the deadline, whats so special anyway? BTW what is the status of WVPX and their digital signal? Any new news? How powerful will it be and will it cover the whole entire market? With their new programming plans this fall they need their digital signal on so we finally can have more choices. With I changing their focus to take on TV land, and hallmark(https://www.sonypicturestelevision.com/mySpt/appmanager/myspt/spt;JSESSIONID_mySptPortal=Gw6DQxFVS61SD4LXMy0fyshVcrWZr8bnyYQ9By2psxJ3ZzmKgBJm!1057892399!-1210331037?_nfpb=true&_windowLabel=beaSMCTDNewsPortlet_1&_urlType=action&_state=maximized&beaSMCTDNewsPortlet_1_pcor_actionview=detailView&_pageLabel=SPT_Home_Page) , ch 23 Akron-Canton-Cleveland is looking better everyday.
I ran into one of the engineers that was hired to upgrade WBNX's production facilty and he said the digital equipment that's been installed in their new master control is the best digital equip in existence and more up-to-date then any in Ohio. Sounds like no expense was spared. He didn't say exactly when this summer/fall that the signal would be available for cable to pick up via optics. At least we know WBNX is working hard on going HD asap.
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