In addition to primary responsibility for all news and news-related programming both on the station and online, the job also gives him many other responsibilities in both news and programming.
The 10 year station veteran dates his service there back to the last days of "3WE", before it was rechristened WTAM. He'll start in Florida on November 6th.
His new home station is one of the better known Clear Channel talk outlets in the country. Among other things, WFLA was the original talk radio home of Premiere syndicated host Glenn Beck.
Back home at WTAM, OMW hears that assistant news director Darren Toms is moving up to take the news director position, in what should be a smooth transition at Oak Tree...
I'd agree - but really, would Ed want it? After all, Methany & Co. kicked him out in the Bloody Valentine's BudgetAx of 2001, and the WGAR department was Borged into WTAM's (Ken Robinson is the sole surviving news staffer).
This wasn't hard to spot, anyway. R.C., Chip, WDOK's Jim McIntyre and WEOL/930's Craig Adams are the only four in the market that hold the actual title of news director...
- Nathan Obral
Ed Richards was his own man. He never kissed anyone's butt. He was not a CC "yes man" and therefore,was not one of the cleveland cluster's golden boys, even though the national CC programming honchos loved him. I would vote to bring him back to anchor morning drive.
It's a shame that the market lost such a talent, but look at the talent-drain
this market has experienced in the past five or six years.
How can you sing Chip Kulich's praises? It's obvious that his newscasts are copy-pasted from WTAM's scripts. REAL news directors don't walk into the building at quarter after 5 and bitch on the air for 4 hours, in between delivering someone elses scripts.
How about bringing back Craig Edwards. He knew how to kiss butt and keep a job even though he had no talent
Bring back Craig Edwards and "Man In Motion" Pat Brogan. That's was radio news you could "see". Clevelands loss is LA's gain. They're both there.
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