Porcine creatures are officially airborne over Reserve Square, and the temperature in Hades is under 32 degrees and holding.
We don't know when exactly it happened, but based on the flurry of E-Mail we received from our ever vigilant readers, "19 Action News HD" would appear to have debuted with the 6 PM(-ish) newscast Sunday evening on WOIO.
By the time we were able to check it out, we confirmed it - and that the 10 PM edition of "Action News" on WUAB/43 "My 43" was also in HD.
As far as we know, this makes Cleveland the only market in the nation with all four of its major full-market TV news operations in HD. (We're not counting WKYC/3-Time Warner Cable's "Akron/Canton News", or WMFD/68 Mansfield's "Newswatch".)
First observations?
("Scorcher's Cam", anyone? They could string the cable up from downstairs...)
Other than Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5's "NewsChannel 5", which was supposed to start airing HD video out of recorded stories in the field starting this weekend, nearly all local news video outside the studio of each station is in some form of SD.
Exceptions, of course, are WJW/8 "FOX 8"'s helicopter ("SkyFOX HD"), and WKYC/3's HD cameras as part of the WKYC/STO arrangement at Jacobs Field.
WOIO appears to be shooting new field video in 16x9 SD format, as WKYC has been doing. Outside 4x3 video is NOT being stretched into 16x9 format.
We believe "FOX 8"'s meteorologists had to do the same in the beginning of their HDTV newscast era.
Other than the addition of "HD" to some graphics, there were no other graphics or set changes that we can see.
By the way, clicking on any of the images will bring up a larger picture - about twice as large as the shots used here on the item itself.
And now, there's no more non-HDTV news in Cleveland. Our long, regional nightmare is over...
Does Raycom Media have a prescription plan for their employees? If not, can someone get "Mr. Hyperactive" Tanchak some Ritalin?
What a waist of good bandwidth!
Modernized technology offers little hope of improvement in the content delivered by that technology.
you're right. 19 can polish that turd all they want...it's still gonna be a turd.
Any updates about the WKBN/WYTV merger yet? I've seen Jeff Levkulich, who used to be a reporter/anchor on WYTV-33, as a morning anchor on WKBN-27 in the mornings; I'm assuming that his move there is part of the merger.
It is not surprising that 19 Fraction News is the last horse to cross the finish line.
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